Republican running (Charlie Hebdo)
At least 300,000 people in Lyon

Republican running in Lyon, France
At least 300,000 people marched Sunday in the center of Lyon in tribute to the victims of the attacks of the last days, a quarter of the population of the metropolitan area, according to updated figures from the early evening police.
"There was an incredibly dense sea of people, it's impressive, it represents a quarter of the city of Lyon," said a police source. It had to recount twice because the crowd kept pouring in after the official start time of the parade, led by the Press Club and police representatives, too bereaved.
The authorities of lengthening the circuit by the procession pass by the banks of the Rhone before joining the Place Bellecour, reported the prefecture.
The procession was to begin marching at 14:00 but early in the afternoon, the crowd began to pour in, fully saturating the course before his departure.
Lyon designers had the opportunity to edit the same newspaper Charlie Hebdo, titled "Charlie Heroes", they distributed hundreds protesters, who then waved.
"It is the absolute horror, we live for a few days with and share as each of us shares the revolt and consternation," said the editorial of this newspaper filled with caricatures.
Stéphane Rabut, president of the Press Club of Lyon, said that "the press club wanted a completely unitary event, secular and republican." "We want everyone to be there to say no to terrorism, yes to democracy, yes to freedom of expression," he told AFP.
The march was punctuated by bursts of applause. Many families with children and babies had made the trip.
Jean-Claude Verrier, a retired engineer, father, brandishing four rods "These pencils are my four little children, I want later they have the freedom of expression."
"I really wanted to take part in a rally between France. It's sad what's happening right now, knowing that I was born in France and grew up in Algeria," said Wail Hamou, 23, cook Montpellier back in France for his studies.
Later in the procession, Anne and François Guerber held signs: "I am a Muslim" for one and "I'm Jewish" for the other. "We are Catholics and we raise these signs to show that we respect each other."...
We found some of them embedded in the procession who respected the will of neutrality. Michel Havard, the municipal opposition leader Lyon, Jean-Jack Queyranne, Regional Chair, David PS Kimelfeld Mayor of the fourth district, Gérard Collomb, Senator Mayor of Lyon, Thierry Braillard, Secretary of State for Sports, and Philippe Cochet deputy mayor of Caluire. The Mayor of Lyon, Gérard Collomb said that "this event shows that beyond emotion, there is a strong rally will." After this demonstration of unity in the country, the gathering will be precisely the issue of the nation in the late Charlie Hebdo. Those terrible hours does not erase the debates and fractures which agitate the country. They probably will force everyone to more accountability.
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