It has the same license as the killers

Investigators from the Grenoble antenna DIPJ Lyon.
A Lyonnaise was heard by the services of the judicial police in Grenoble. It has the same license as the car used by the killers of Charlie Hebdo. A Lyonnaise working in Grenoble was heard this Wednesday, 7 January by the police in Grenoble.
Lyon: it has the same license as the killers
A Lyonnaise was heard by the services of the judicial police in Grenoble. It has the same license as the car used by the killers of Charlie Hebdo.
A Lyonnaise working in Grenoble was heard this Wednesday, 7 January by the police in Grenoble, reveals the progress of that day. The young woman is indeed the owner of a black Citroen C3 identical to that used by the killers of the attack Charlie Hebdo and with the same registration. A perfect duplicate. In control, the same car in every respect to that of the Lyonnaise therefore not emerged as stolen. The police quickly exonerated the woman.
A Lyonnaise was heard by the services of the judicial police in Grenoble. It has the same license as the car used by the killers of Charlie Hebdo.
A Lyonnaise working in Grenoble was heard this Wednesday, 7 January by the police in Grenoble, reveals the progress of that day. The young woman is indeed the owner of a black Citroen C3 identical to that used by the killers of the attack Charlie Hebdo and with the same registration. A perfect duplicate. In control, the same car in every respect to that of the Lyonnaise therefore not emerged as stolen. The police quickly exonerated the woman.
A mishap which it could well have done. A young Lyonnaise working in Grenoble was arrested Wednesday night by investigators of the Grenoble antenna DIPJ Lyon.
According to Le Dauphiné Libéré, the car of the young woman wearing exactly the same license as the Citroen C3 dark aboard which terrorists arrived outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday morning.
"Perfect Doublette"
The investigators wanted to check his possible involvement in the shooting. They quickly realized that this young woman had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting. In reality, the two alleged killers have simply distorted the registration of their vehicle.
They realized "a perfect doublet": even registration, same model and color. The owner of the car was
According to Le Dauphiné Libéré, the car of the young woman wearing exactly the same license as the Citroen C3 dark aboard which terrorists arrived outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday morning.
"Perfect Doublette"
The investigators wanted to check his possible involvement in the shooting. They quickly realized that this young woman had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting. In reality, the two alleged killers have simply distorted the registration of their vehicle.
They realized "a perfect doublet": even registration, same model and color. The owner of the car was
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